Word for That: Brabble

Brabble ~ To argue stubbornly over trivial matters.

This brings to mind an episode of Mad Men, when Pete Campbell recalls how the last conversation he had with his father was an argument over dog breeds, which could have been easily resolved by checking the facts.

I am guilty of brabbling on occasion, usually because it’s just so much fun. But there is a limit. Like Pete Campbell, you never know if your last conversation with someone will be a brabble.

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Word for That: Groak

In the interests of improving our use of the English language (LOL, who needs that?), the word of the month is:

Groak ~ to watch people eating food in the hopes they will offer you some.

I, personally, am very guilty of this. So now, when I’m groaking, I suppose I should at least ask before I take that french fry.

Otherwise, it’s just rude.

Anyone else a groaker?

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